Global Cargo Inspections’ Code of Ethics


Integrity, Conflict of Interest, Confidentiality and Data Protection, Anti-Bribery, anti-Fraud, Fair Business Conduct, Health and Safety, Fair Labor




With this CODE OF ETHICS, Global Cargo Inspections acts as our ethical commitment to all our stakeholders and serves as a reference to correct business practices. It is our goal to conduct business lawfully, ethically, and openly at Global Cargo Inspections.

Anyone who works for or is employed by Global Cargo Inspections or any of our subcontractors must read and sign this form. It also applies to anyone who works for or is employed by any entity that does business with us.

It is expected that all employees of Global Cargo Inspections are neutral and truthful in all aspects of their work. All employees have a duty to act honestly and not jeopardize the relationship of trust that is a prerequisite for employment.

Employees, customers, and shareholders all have a stake in the success of our company. The only way we can earn the trust of the public is by demonstrating our commitment to fairness and achieving our goals via ethical behavior. Employees at all levels are expected to adhere to this Code of Conduct in all aspects of their professional and personal lives.

No one will be punished or retaliated against for reporting a wrongdoing in good faith by Global Cargo Inspections.

This Code's relevance must be demonstrated not only verbally but also physically by the company's top executives. Officers, directors, managers, and other leaders have a duty to address any ethical concerns or questions as soon as they arise. It is the responsibility of employees to assist in the investigation of any possible or alleged wrongdoing.

Disciplinary action, including termination of employment, other contract, or legal action, may be warranted in circumstances of non-compliance with this Code.

For us, it's a matter of ensuring that our values and conventions are reflected throughout the whole supply chain of our own suppliers, subcontractors, and service providers.


Ethical Principles and Values

At Global Cargo Inspections, our key values are as follows:

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Independently
  • Trustworthiness
  • Mutual Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Accountability
  • Reliability
  • Compliance with the laws


Ethical Decision-making

A value-driven approach to decision-making underpins ethical behavior. Many questions can be used to determine if a situation is unethical, inappropriate, or illegal. How can I determine if I am conducting ethically?

s what I am doing legal?

  • Our company's principles and ethics should be reflected in it.
  • Is it in accordance with the company's Code of Conduct and other policies?
  • Is it considerate of other people's feelings?
  • Is this something that would make headlines if it did?
  • Am I being true to my commitments to my loved ones, my employer, and even to myself?
  • The question is whether or not this is the correct course of action.
  • What advice would I give my own children?
  • Is it expected that I falsify data or depart from standard operating procedure?


All of Global Cargo Inspections' actions will be conducted in a professional, unbiased, and objective manner.

There should be no tolerance for any deviation from Global Cargo Inspections' approved methodology and processes. Global Cargo Inspections will guarantee that approved test and survey techniques allow for tolerances in results, but that such tolerances are not abused to alter the actual test findings.

Global Cargo Inspections will only produce reports and certificates that accurately reflect the actual findings, professional views, or results acquired, and will only report data, test results, and other material facts in good faith and without improper alteration.


Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

Respect for the law, rules, and regulations is the first step in maintaining our commitment to integrity. Legal and commercial practices are respected by Global Cargo Inspections, which adheres to these standards.

We, at Global Cargo Inspections, are dedicated to abiding by the terms of every legally binding contract we enter into, and we never take advantage of this commitment.

This Code of Conduct must always be adhered to by our employees.



It is the goal of Global cargo Inspections to ensure that the needs of future generations are not sacrificed in order to meet today's demands. In order to do this, we include economic, environmental, and social considerations into our operations and business decisions.


Human Rights

All of us at Global Cargo Inspections take seriously our responsibility to uphold the Human Rights of everyone with whom we come into contact as part of our work. Human Rights will not be violated in any way by Global Cargo Inspections. Our employees are expected to treat everyone with respect, dignity, and care, and to uphold their Human Rights at all times.


Fair labor and working conditions

All employees at Global Cargo Inspections are expected to be treated fairly and in accordance with applicable regulations in the workplace. Child or slave labor, or any other type of coercive or bonded labor, is completely unacceptable to Global Cargo Inspections. It is our position to oppose all illegal, unfair, immoral labor practices that exploit workers, harm social security, or are used to avoid taxes, including but not limited to holding back wages or not declaring work.

Integrity and respect for others are always expected from all of our employees.


Harassment and Discrimination

We at Global Cargo Inspections do not allow any form of harassment or abuse in the workplace, and this includes any form of discrimination. Gender, marriage status, marital age, national or ethnic or racial origin, religion and political opinion are examples of non-professionally relevant traits and circumstances that cannot be used as a basis for discrimination. Discrimination, harassment, bullying, and victimization are all forbidden actions.

It is required that all employees conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner in all written and verbal communications, and that they refrain from any behavior that could be construed as harassing, slanderous or otherwise offensive or humiliating.


Occupational Health & Safety and Environment

Global Cargo Inspections must ensure that its employees, customers, and third parties are protected from harm by implementing sufficient training and processes, as well as monitoring incidences with the goal of reducing risks during business operations.

A clean, safe and healthy work environment shall be maintained at all times by Global Cargo Inspections. As a company, Global Cargo Inspections is dedicated to operating in a manner that has the least possible negative impact on the natural environment. It is our goal to reduce waste and wasteful emissions, such as energy use or wasteful waste.

At all times, everyone on the team must abide by the necessary rules and regulations in the areas of environmental and occupational health and safety.


Business ethics and Fair competitiveness

Our commercial ties are based on mutual trust and benefit, which is in accordance with competition legislation. Our products and services are sold based on their quality, functionality, and competitive pricing, and we are committed to fair and ethical competition. In order to maintain our independence, Global Cargo Inspections will not collaborate or coordinate with our competitors in any way. Global Cargo Inspections will not engage in or help in any illegal boycotts of specific consumers, nor will we offer or solicit improper fees or gratuities. Global Cargo Inspections pledges to abide by all trade restrictions, sanctions, and embargoes, both domestic and international.

There is no tolerance for any kind of tampering with the fairness of any tendering process by Global Cargo Inspections in any way. Global Cargo Inspections does not engage in any action that undermines the reputation of any business partners or harms the credibility of any competitors.

When it comes to our partners, Global Cargo Inspections does not withhold payments for malicious, unlawful, or excessive reasons, and we do not allow such tactics to take place in our supply chain.

Our employees are held accountable for upholding all competition, consumer protection, and fair marketing regulations as part of their duties. There should be no discrimination against customers or business partners; all relevant information about a product or service should be disclosed in a way that is truthful and fair (fair marketing and advertising).



A bribe of any kind, including kickbacks on a percentage of a contract payment, is strictly prohibited at Global Cargo Inspections.

Customers, agents, contractors, suppliers, or employees of any of these parties, as well as government officials, will not be allowed to benefit from or get inappropriate benefits from Global Cargo Inspections via any route or channel.



Corruption of any kind is categorically rejected by Global Cargo Inspections, and we will not stand for it. Direct or indirect solicitation or acceptance of any unfair advantage or benefit in order to acquire, retain, or facilitate any kind of business is strictly forbidden. Financial, any cash equivalent (e.g., voucher), gift, credit, discount, travel, personal advantage, housing, or services are all examples of unfair advantages or benefits that might be given. In order to expedite or secure routine actions, Global Cargo Inspections does not allow payments to government authorities or private businesses. When someone gives the false impression that he or she is improperly influencing a decision maker, that is also corruption.

Corruption for the purpose of gaining or retaining business, or for the purpose of gaining or retaining an advantage in the conduct of business, is gross misconduct. When one person accepts or allows another person to accept any kind of bribe, they are engaging in dishonorable conduct. Our employees must keep track of all financial gains they make while conducting business, and they must not accept or give bribes or engage in other corrupt practices.



Fraud is unethical and, in most situations, illegal (the act or purpose to cheat, steal, deceive, or lie). It is illegal to commit any form of fraud, including but not limited to submitting false expenditure reports, forging, or changing financial documents, or stealing from or misusing business property or assets.


Gifts and Hospitality

We at Global Cargo Inspections will not do anything that might be construed as an attempt to gain personal gain through the provision of special treatment.

Gifts, gratuities, meals, refreshments, entertainment, or any other advantage we receive from people or corporations with whom we do or may conduct business are examples of business courtesy or advantages. Unfair commercial inducements that would violate law, regulation, or policies, or create embarrassment are not acceptable to us. We will not accept or give them. Our employees are not allowed to use their own money or resources to carry out tasks that cannot be carried out using the resources of Global Cargo Inspections.

As long as the gifts and hospitality are not excessive, not regular, and do not appear to be an attempt to influence business choices, Global Cargo Inspections is permitted to accept and offer occasional gifts and hospitality. Only insignificant presents of low monetary value will be considered. Please gently decline or return any other gifts that you receive by mail. The item will be donated to a local charity or community group if it cannot be returned. Ultimately, it is up to the recipient of the gift to decide whether the gift is appropriate or not.


Security, protection, and proper use of company assets

Our employees are responsible for the security, protection, and proper utilization of corporate resources. All our time, materials, equipment, and information are available solely for the purpose of legitimate business operations. It's fine if you use it for personal reasons, as long as it's legal and doesn't interfere with your job performance or workplace morale.

In order to protect the firm's property, both tangible and intangible, all employees must adhere to suitable security procedures, and they must not misuse company assets or utilize them recklessly.


Confidentiality, information security, proprietary information, and intellectual property

To ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of our clients' business information, Global Cargo Inspections employs the required technology safeguards, and our staff is obligated to uphold these standards. All non-public information that could affect the corporation or its customers or business partners is included in the definition of proprietary information. Any information of this nature must be treated as a secret by all members of the team. In addition, no one may trade stocks while in knowledge of non-public information or provide non-public information to anyone with the potential to affect the securities. Every guideline in place to protect confidential information must be always obeyed.

The rights of others to their property are respected by Global Cargo Inspections. We will not, under any circumstances, seek or attempt to obtain proprietary or sensitive information, including trade secrets, in an unauthorized manner. We will not copy, distribute, or change any software or other intellectual property that is copyrighted.


Bookkeeping, true reporting and financial integrity

A thorough and accurate accounting of our transactions is critical to the integrity of our financial reporting. We at Global Cargo Inspections strongly oppose money laundering, and we will only conduct business with partners who are engaged in legitimate commercial activities with monies that come from genuine sources.

Global Cargo Inspections pledges to adhere to the highest standards of tax compliance and prevent any and all forms of tax avoidance, including the failure to issue receipts or the creation of fictitious invoices to cover business expenses.

Accounting procedures must be followed by all employees, company transactions must be accurately recorded and documented, and all disclosures made in financial reports must be complete, honest, accurate, timely, and intelligible to all parties involved. Audits must not be influenced, manipulated, or misled in any way by any staff member.


Conflict of Interests

Objective and unbiased analyses of the situation will be used to make our conclusions. Personal interests of employees (e.g., friends, family, or customers, competitors, suppliers, or contractors) may clash with the best interests of Global Cargo Inspections. This is referred to as a "conflict of interest." For those who have questions about whether they may have a conflict of interest or not, management may be a great resource.

The following are examples of situations in which there might be a conflict of interest:

  • Being employed by or having a business relationship with a customer, rival, supplier, or contractor (you or a close family member).
  • Hiring or overseeing members of one's own family or close family members
  • Serving on the board of a corporation or organization that is a rival, supplier, or contractor of yours.
  • Ownership or significant interest in a client, rival, supplier, or contractor.
  • Involvement of any kind, whether financial, personal, or otherwise, in any company transaction.

If colleagues start with personal relationships with each other, it is the senior employee's responsibility to bring this to the notice of his or her management to ensure that no conflict of interest exists or will arise.


Privacy, personal data protection

The sensitivity of people's privacy is reflected in Global Cargo Inspections' commitment to protecting the privacy of individuals and ensuring that their personal information is used only for legitimate business purposes. At Global Cargo Inspections, we take the protection of your personal information very seriously. Global Cargo Inspections only collects and maintains personal data that is absolutely necessary, and we provide data owners with clear explanations of these actions. Security procedures are in place to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal information at Global Cargo Inspections.

In order to ensure that personal data is handled and processed lawfully, our employees must adhere to all applicable regulations and procedures.